Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You Know You are Behind on the Laundry When. . .

. . .you find yourself laying in bed at night debating the merits of declaring a naked day so you have a chance to catch up on washing it all. I'm sure the kids would love that one. We at least know our resident streaker would enjoy herself. Or maybe I could declare a non-aggression pact with the laundry. You know, I'll promise to simply back slowly out of the laundry room if the laundry will promise to quit multiplying behind my back. Or perhaps this could be filed under "You know you have a large family when you can wash 5 loads of laundry and not even make a dent in the pile." Can anyone guess what is on my agenda for today?

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

You need a second washer/dryer. I have one day a week where there is nothing to wash... and that day is pretty neat. Good luck and I hope you can get it finished today! :)