Sunday, September 21, 2008

113 Pounds of Apples

So what exactly does that many apples look like? Well, check the pictures and find out. Amazing how many apples 9 people can pick in under an hour. As usual, the kids had fun and ate plenty of apples as they picked. I see in my future a week of peeling, slicing and coring apples while we get applesauce, apple butter, pie filling and apple jelly made. The kids like dehydrated apples so I may put them in charge of running the dehydrator this week. At some point, we'll have an apple cake and caramel apples. And to make things even more fun, our pear trees are ready so I will have to spend some time canning those as well. It should be an interesting week.


Dirtdartwife said...

113 pounds... that's it? hahahahahahahahahahaha!! Good luck, have fun and you'll have to take a picture of everything you can/freeze when you're finished with it all.

brandy said...

We went apple picking last year in CT. It was great fun. We only ended up with 30 lbs. which we thought was a lot. But we were only picking for about 10-15 minutes. They were tricky though, those apple farmers. They give you a wagon so you have no idea how many pounds you're actually picking til you get to the scales. But it was lots of fun. We have lots of apples here too, but I don' have to pick my own. The Germans are very kind. They pick them and bag them for you and leave them on the side of the road in a little stand for 2 kilos a euro. Great deal. :)