Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blazing a New Trail

Tomorrow morning the older 2 boys head off to a living history day camp. So I actually have to, gasp, make lunches in the morning. Seriously, this is one of the many benefits of homeschooling. You don't have to set your alarm in the morning. You don't have to pack lunches for anyone. You don't have to rush out the door in the morning. But the boys are beyond excited about camp this week. We opted to enroll them in the homeschool session rather than send them during the summer because we figured it would be cooler outside and be a smaller group of kids. They get to spend the week dressed up and living in a 19th century village. I'm sure it will be an exciting experience. My one complaint is they don't want the kids to bring reusable lunch bags. If you know anything about our house, you know we don't use paper products around here. I'd say we use cloth for about 95% of what folks usually use paper products for in modern times. So I actually had to ask Alan to bring home brown paper lunch bags. And a couple loaves of bread because I never have the bread made first thing in the morning. Seriously, this is throwing me for a loop. I'm not even sure if I have napkins to put in there for the boys since we used up the last stash of paper napkins I was aware of at the Humane Vitae picnic. But apparently reusable containers have not been deemed authentic enough for the experience. Oh well.

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