Friday, June 10, 2011

Spring Recital

The older two boys had their spring recital last week.  Bryan memorized his piece and Sean actually played a song he wrote himself.  I've been told everyone did a great job. (The recital is held in the sanctuary at the church where the music school is located and there is a very high echo factor so I often stay home with the littlest ones so that other folks can hear and enjoy the music.)  The boys have done a great job with their music lessons this past year.  We are likely on the hunt for new instructors for next year because of some issues with one instructor and a scheduling issue with the other one.  And we have a few other kids who want to start taking lessons but, um, it is super expensive for 5 kids to take music lessons.  Must do more research this summer to find a way to afford it.  I must admit this is one thing I do wish we were allowed to use the schools for but NY state is frankly stupid with regard to their homeschooling laws.  May I say that again?  NY state has stupid homeschooling laws. 

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