Monday, January 31, 2011


The book Unplanned by Abby Johnson has been making rounds and causing quite a bit of discussion lately.  I recently read the book and have to say it is a very powerful story.  This book chronicles the journey taken by Abby Johnson as she switches from working with and supporting Planned Parenthood to working with and supporting a local crisis pregnancy center instead. 

Unplanned is a book that should be read by everyone no matter which side of the abortion debate they are currently on.  This book explains not only the current theories behind Planned Parenthood's operations, but also how the organization often misleads well-intended people who are at heart trying to do what is best for other people.

Due to a very dramatic and heart breaking first chapter, I would read this book before giving it young teens.  However, this is a wonderful book to share with older teens to discuss and showcase the truths behind the abortion industry in our country.  This book gives examples not only of how to effectively minister to women in crisis pregnancy situations but also how not to treat these women.  It is a bold look at the true practices in many clinics which fail effectively deal with all of the emotional needs of women in crisis pregnancy situations.

I found this book to be a very quick and engaging read.  Yes, it's one of those books that I finished in one day.  You'll read this book and want to pass it along to someone else in your life.  I truly believe it is a book that cannot be read without having an impact on your life in some way.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Unplanned. They are also a great source for serenity prayer and baptism gifts.

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