Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gabe and the Snow

Something very important happened today.  Alan was home and took Gabe out to play in the snow. Yes, yes, I will admit that I have avoided taking both the 2-year-old and the baby out in the snow by myself.  Call me a wimp if you'd like but we all have our limits.
He's ready to tackle the great outdoors.  Yes, the snowsuit is a just a tad on the big side.  I goofed and ordered too big and by the time it arrived, the smaller size was sold out.  Live and learn. At least now he can wear it for 2 years before passing it down to Robert.
Every good boy knows that before you can play, first you must work.  And I have to admit that Gabe is a very good snow shoveler. I would safely say he can be listed in the group of kids that you can count on to actually help you out and not cause extra work.  Or toss snow into your face.
Now that the turn around has been safely cleared, it is time to get tossed in the snow bank by Dad.  Yup, fun times had by all.  Gabe actually spent well over an hour outside and had a blast.  Yes, the neon orange on the snowsuit is perfect for making sure you don't lose the kid in the snow.

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