Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life With My Kids

Ok, if you are one of those people who gets easily offended anytime I post anything other than pictures of the children because you don't think I have a right to voice my opinions on things, just walk away from your computer now.  Consider yourself warned and don't gripe at me.

Today the kids and I went out to lunch after church to pass some time.  Yes, the weekends alone suck so if I can find some small way to pass a bit more time away from home I tend to jump on it.  The kids behaved rather well during lunch.  Can't really remember a single issue.  But on the way out someone stopped me to say that I was brave for taking all the kids out.  Um, excuse me?  This attitude irks me.  Where on earth did people get the idea that if you have children, you are supposed to leave them at home or sequestered from the public?  And why do people act like I should be incapable of dealing with my own children?  I am getting this attitude a lot lately from certain people and it frankly ticks me off.  If you are unable to leave the house with your own children and get out in public (assuming your children have no major mental issues), then the fault is entirely on you as a parent.  I am not brave for taking my children in public. I am their mom, it's in my job description. 

And for those people I know who keep asking me if they can come stay with us so they can watch my children while I got shopping or run errands or have appointments.  Stop.  I am totally capable of taking my children everywhere with me and also totally aware of when I need help.  Even if you felt it was stressful to take your children with you places, I truly don't feel that way most days and honestly enjoy getting out of the house with the kids.  The kids go to the store with me, go to the post office, to the dentist, to the doctor, to church. We go everywhere together and chances are good that if I have not taken you up on your constant offers to watch the kids for me, there is a reason.  Maybe, just maybe, I enjoy spending as much time as I can with my kids. That's not to say I don't look forward to naptime and bedtime for getting some alone time.  But we have very few people we trust leaving our kids with.  No, the baby won't stay with anyone unless it is an emergency so don't even ask.  But due to the high number of people who complain about how we have too many kids, act as if they can't handle so many kids, the people who have betrayed our trust with regards to our children and their safety or emotional well-being, the people who flat out lied to us regarding what happened with our children while we were gone supposedly "for our own good" and other such issues with people in the past, the list of those who we will leave the kids with is short and totally non-negotiable.  I do not want to find myself ever again in a situation where I am saying I should have trusted my instincts rather than doing as was expected of me. And there is no way I will feel comfortable leaving my kids with people who think it is ok to talk to other people about how we have too many children or agree with/defend those who make such comments.

I understand that it is hard to be alone with so many kids.  I understand that I need to take time for myself.  Trust me when I say I am doing so.  I appreciate that people mean well and yet I have to ask if some folks are more interested in actually being helpful or in being able to tell other people that they helped.

And on an added note. If you are someone who believes I don't have the right to post anything other than pictures of my kids, you may simply want to stop reading because I have decided that I am tired of feeling the need to edit myself so as not to offend other folks.  This is real life and real life is not always pretty pictures. 

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

Hope that helps people think before they say something or assume something about you and your beautiful family. Points very well stated and clearly. No room to misunderstand or misconstrue.

And to be honest, if someone is offended then they must do some inner reflection to see why they're so offended. Hopefully they can prayerfully change their ways in how they approach your family.