Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sean's Story
like my room so much that i do not want to move
"I like my room," said Tom who never wanted to move.
"we all know," said Sam.
"but we are going to move anyway," said Lucy.
"move what? move my room?"
"no silly move as in out of the house"
"no said tom and he stormed into his room."
"the next day goodbye room," said Tom .
"then he stared to cry so we asked the workmen. to bring the room with us and they said no so we went on with out the room but he forgot all about the room that was better.''
the end
"I like my room," said Tom who never wanted to move.
"we all know," said Sam.
"but we are going to move anyway," said Lucy.
"move what? move my room?"
"no silly move as in out of the house"
"no said tom and he stormed into his room."
"the next day goodbye room," said Tom .
"then he stared to cry so we asked the workmen. to bring the room with us and they said no so we went on with out the room but he forgot all about the room that was better.''
the end
Thanksgiving At Our House
This is what Thanksgiving looked like at our house this year. Alan had to work this year so we decided to keep things simple and just have a bunch of snacks. The kids were happy, things were simple , everyone is fed and life goes on.
Gabe got to spend some time hanging out with dog. The dog seems to understand that if he does not put up with being pounded on by the littlest members of the household, he will find himself in trouble.
Today has me pondering all of the typical holiday chaos and headaches folks tend to put themselves through. For what reason, I'm not sure. Folks spend way too much time cooking, cleaning and making themselves crazy over spending time with folks that many times drive them insane. I'm not sure what you get out of that sort of insanity. Maybe my thoughts are colored by the few years growing up when we actually lived close enough to extended family to spend some of the holidays with them. I remember never knowing anyone who was around, a bunch of adults who seemed to think the way to involve kids they didn't know well was to insult them which left the adult somehow feeling good about themselves but the child feeling terrible, just wanting to hide somewhere so no one would really notice me, the noise and chaos. I've sometimes wondered if our kids are missing out on something because they don't spend holidays or any real time with the gaggle of extended family. But then I realize that everyone enjoys themselves much more when you are surrounded by folks you know and enjoy being with. Not sure where I'm going with this really. I'm sure someone will get offended by what's been said already. But chances are in all honesty that most of the extended family is glad they don't have to deal with us anyway for holidays because there are so many of us that we overwhelm them. But who needs to feel the pressure of putting on a show for others anyway. Or spend the time worrying about if the house is in perfect order for that overly critical relative who will insult your home no matter what you've done to make it look nice.
Anyway, I think I've spent way too much time thinking today. I'm glad the kids are happy, Alan has a job he loves, we have enough of everything we need. And we have no stress today because the only people we are worried about today is each other. The impressions we make on those who live with us are so much more important than the ones we make on those who don't. And yet way too many folks spend way too many hours cleaning, stressing, painting, baking, fixing the furniture and cooking to impress those who don't share their lives everyday and just expect the ones who live with them to deal with getting the short end of the stick. Why do we do things this way? Just a question to ponder.
Anyway, I think I've spent way too much time thinking today. I'm glad the kids are happy, Alan has a job he loves, we have enough of everything we need. And we have no stress today because the only people we are worried about today is each other. The impressions we make on those who live with us are so much more important than the ones we make on those who don't. And yet way too many folks spend way too many hours cleaning, stressing, painting, baking, fixing the furniture and cooking to impress those who don't share their lives everyday and just expect the ones who live with them to deal with getting the short end of the stick. Why do we do things this way? Just a question to ponder.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Slime Science
Science is always more fun when it gets messy. Take 2 boys, add in one inexpensive slime science kit, a few kitchen "chemicals" and the result is instant fun. These kids are lucky. I didn't get to make these polymers until Chemistry 2 in high school. This is a much more fun experiment to do when you are younger.

Monday, November 24, 2008
One Little Boy. . .
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Adventures in Babywearing
Friday, November 14, 2008
Have you ever experienced grocery shopping with 7 kids in tow? It is an experience to be cherished. Ok, maybe I am a bit out of it. Two carts are a must so you can contain as many small folks as possible. Just make sure that the driver of the second cart is not over eager or you just may loose the back of your ankles. Then there are the folks who seem to think they have to drill your children on why they are not in school today. I mean, you can't just take your kids out in public during school hours or you must be hiding something. Everyone knows that when you want to hide your children because they are skipping school you head right to the grocery store. But there are some small benefits of taking so many kids with you shopping. When the store sets a limit on the amount of an item you can buy, you have a few more customers with you who can also buy the full amount of said item on sale. And then we must stand and watch the train in the store for a few minutes. I do believe this was the first time Gabe really noticed it. He was absolutely enthralled. Just remember the next time you see a caravan of kids in the store, you don't really have to comment. Yes, we've heard them all before and you aren't too original. Trust me. If you must comment, make it positive because believe me even when all the kids are pretty much behaving, by the time shopping is over Mom just needs a break.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Pictures from Today
I have to say I kind of like seeing glimpses into the lives of other homeschooling families. I know there are folks who picture homeschooled kids as simply huddled behind desks and sitting with books for hours at a time. Needless to say, that rarely happens. But we like it that way. And, no, I don't care at all where a child in the same grade level at the public school down the street is with their work or what my child would or should be doing if they were in school. Every school works differently and we have our own schedule. Guess that is the beauty of keeping them home. They are never behind, never ahead, never stuck bored out of their minds because the rest of the class doesn't get it yet, never stuck baffled and confused because the rest of the class moved on without them. If I could have back all the hours I spent in school bored out of my mind, I do believe I would have several years of childhood back to spend actually having fun. Or maybe I would have had time to learn about something that was actually interesting or of use to me later in life.
Monday, November 10, 2008
New View
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What's in Your Pantry?
Saturday Again
I really should be cleaning the house but I am sorely lacking in motivation at the moment. My entire body aches for some reason. The kids are supposed to be outside searching for missing eggs. They've only been finding maybe 3 a day and that just is not enough. I'm sure we have more than 3 birds laying on a regular basis and 3 eggs a day is no where near enough for our family. Alan is trying to fix the lawn tractor again so he can get it moving and put into the barn for the winter. A belt came off and he has had a heck of a time trying to get it back on. We roasted marshmallows last night to make the kids feel better about having to cancel the party today. Nothing like a house full of folks who smell like a campfire. Hunting season is gearing up (rifle season starts today, hope I have the terms right) which means the kids will be spending much less time outside for the next few weeks. We can often hear the hunters in our backyard since they are just on the other side of the creek so I tend to be a bit paranoid about letting the kids run in the trees this time of year. It's only a few weeks and then things will be back to normal. Of course, we still need to make friends with a hunter or two so we can get some cheap meat. Ah, I can dream. On a positive note, we finally have Alan's car back from the shop. Only took them 2 weeks and way too much complaining about how hard the job was to get it fixed.
Mr. Gabe is calling me to change his stinky diaper so I guess I'd better go take care of him and the next load of laundry. He is very upset that he is not allowed outside right now to play with the big kids. His life is so rough.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Gabe in the Laundry
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Fall in the Yard
A few pictures of the yard. I really should have taken them a couple weeks ago because things were very beautiful then but they still look rather pretty.
I had a few other shots that I thought were a bit better but they were taken sideways and I can't figure out how to turn them around with this program. So if I get more, I'll add them but here's what we have for now.
All photo credits go to Bryan. He seems to be my go-to person when I want pictures of things in the yard and he is more than willing to put up with my requests for a chance to play with the camera.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Signs of Fall
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday Ramblings
The children are finding all sorts of new ways to get into trouble in the back yard. Apparently if Mom and Dad are not looking, you can build a bridge over the creek with the little ones. Or dig a big gigantic hole in the middle of the yard. Ok, I can live with a hole if they'd asked first but they never do that. And the creek is an ok place to play if an adult knows where you are. Again, why bother asking when you can get in trouble later. I guess that option must be more fun. Perhaps the children are going a bit stir crazy as well. Or maybe they realize that these last few weeks of warmer weather should be enjoyed to their fullest. As long as they avoid swimming in mud puddles again, I'll be happy.
The picture above is Gabe trying to figure out how to play the train whistle. Lucky me, one more kid who is learning how to make obscene amounts of noise inside the house.
I suppose I should plan to use my weekend in some sort of productive fashion. You know, like sitting down with the lesson plans, writing out the quarterly reports, maybe planning the All Saints Day party we are supposed to be hosting on Friday. Or I could do the unthinkable and actually fold the 10 loads of laundry sitting around in various laundry baskets. But if I did that, what would I have left to assign to a surly child who can't seem to manage to quit running their mouth. Hm, that is something to consider.
I imagine that is more than enough random ramblings for one morning. I suppose it is time to get up and go deal with that diaper waiting for me. I so can't wait for Abby to actually potty train. Yup, dreaming here again but if you must dream, why not dream big.
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