Friday, May 29, 2009
The Oldest and Youngest
Bryan was carrying Robert around in the sling yesterday so I could have both hands free to decorate his birthday cake. He has mastered the use of the sling lately and can get the baby in all by himself. Something tells me that he will make a good dad some day if his life takes him in that direction.
This picture reminds me of how much Bryan has grown. You'll notice as the kids get older, you won't see quite as many pictures of them on the blog. As the children get older I feel it is rather important to respect their privacy on both a personal and emotional level. Safety concerns also lead to me to leave pictures and information about the older children off the blog at times. I realize some parents believe that as long as their kids are around, they are free to tell the world anything they choose about them but we believe it is important to respect their need for and right to privacy and personal space. So the older ones are around and just as busy as the younger ones, you just may not see them quite as often.
Happy Birthday Bryan!
We celebrated another birthday this week. Bryan turned 12 on Thursday. It is rather amazing to realize you almost have a teenager on your hands.
We celebrated Bryan's birthday with pizza, wings, cake and ice cream. Who could ask for more?
Bryan got a new camera from his grandparents and is has not yet left his side.
As you can see, everyone was rather impressed with his new gadget.
Happy Birthday Bryan.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Art Time
Thanks to Grandma, we have discovered a new wonderful art material. Something low on the mess factor, low on the maintenance factor, easy set-up, easy clean-up, what more could you ask for? Oh right, do the kids like them? Well, I think these pictures speak for themselves. I just loved watching Liam working on putting his creations together. He seems to take all building so seriously. And I loved seeing the different ideas/abilities coming out of each child using the exact same materials. So what are we playing with today? Magic Nuudles. Try some with your kids, I promise you'll enjoy them. And in case you were wondering, they are made out of corn starch so no worries if a little one puts them in their mouth. For those of you with environmental concerns, this means they are also completely biodegradable. Just wash them away with water.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sunday Smiles
Just wanted to share a few pictures from today.
Robert entertained a few guests and was even in a nice enough mood to allow a few of his grandparents to hold him for a bit before he'd decided he had quite enough of being social. As small as he is, Robert is decidedly not quiet when he decides he has had enough.
Gabe got up a bit early from his nap and then spent a good hour snuggling with Grandpa. This is quite unusual for Gabe since he is usually up and running as soon as his feet hit the floor.
The crew seems to have had a good day and will hopefully sleep well tonight. We can always hope, right?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Sean!
Our second child hit double digits today. His day started with donuts for breakfast and ended with dinner at Applebee's with cake and ice cream at home. I think he rather enjoyed himself. He also learned that it is not a good idea to mess with the gel frosting dye. Turns out you can't just wash that color off your hands. I think both of our hands will be looking normal again about the time I have to decorate Bryan's cake next week. I think I have also decided that it would be a good idea to invest in a cake decorating class one of these days so the creative endevours involved in making cakes for the kids will take on a slightly more artistic look. I did master a homemade marble cake this year so that is a start.
This picture has managed to capture Sean's angelic side.
The older two got a joint birthday gift this year so we decided they should open it today rather than making Sean wait.
He is thrilled with this car and it was almost too much for him to wait the extra 10 minutes to open it until a couple of the younger kids went to bed.
This picture has captured more of his devilish side. Especially since I think he took it himself while Mom and Dad were busy elsewhere.
Happy Birthday Sean! Hope you had a good day.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fresh Asparagus and Chicken Casserole and Black Forest Parfaits
I was trying to use up the last of the frozen asparagus from our garden and the leftover cherry pie filling from making cherry bread over the weekend. The result was Asparagus and Chicken Casserole with Black Forest Parfaits for dessert.
Which led to a huge grin from Gabe. Something tells me he approves of his dessert.
Warmer Weather is on the Horizon
There have been many signs today that warmer weather just may be here to stay. I found a small child wandering the yard carrying some freshly laid eggs.
Gabe has spent enough time outside to today to manage to cut both his head and his elbow. And the older children had to freak out since there was blood involved on both occasions. Blood and band-aids seem to be required in this house every summer.
Clothes on the clothesline are always a sure sign that things have warmed up. I love being able to put the clothes out on a nice warm, windy day like today and have them dry in under an hour.
The chickens have taken to roaming the yard again in search of bugs and grass and other things to eat.
Robert on Wednesday
Robert actually allowed me to put him down long enough today to do some work in the kitchen. Poor little guy has major Mom withdrawals the second he feels himself hitting any foreign surface.
And here is a picture of the little dude with his eyes open. Yes, he is still on the small side but we just seem to grow them that way.
Monday, May 18, 2009
View From the Sling
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Yes, You are Seeing Yellow
While I was gone today, the painting crew struck again. They all did a wonderful job of painting the front hall (and themselves at times).
Friday, May 15, 2009
Kieran Tackles the Monkey Bars
Robert of the Day
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Kieran's First Driving Lesson
Granola Bars
In my ever constant search for healthy yet inexpensive snacks for the crew, I came upon a simple recipe last night for chewy granola bars. This recipe uses all normal, easy to find ingredients. Chances are fairly good that you will have everything in your pantry already which is a huge plus to me.
I made the initial batch with chocolate chips since that's what we have in the house at the moment but I plan on making a second batch with dried fruit and some nuts after grocery shopping this weekend. I'm also planning on teaching a few of the kids how to make the granola bars so they can take over. Give them a try yourself and let me know if they are a hit at your house. Chewy Granola Bars
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Gabe Drives the Tractor
Friday, May 8, 2009
Spring in the Yard
Ok, I will admit that our yard is actually rather pretty in the spring. Just thought I would take a few pictures to share today. I did avoid the heaping pile of scrap metal that used to be a shed and the junk pile left behind by the previous owners that we have yet to remove. Yes, we are behind on yard maintenance around here. Only so many hours in the day and there is a lot to do.
Just some trees and bushes.
One of the fruit trees. I think this was one of the peach trees but don't quote me on that one. I'm never good at remembering which is which until the fruit is recognizable.
Love that color on the tree.
Here is the first sign that it is time to start tending to the garden. I walked back there today and found quite a bit of asparagus already growing and sadly most of what has already grown is past the point where it should be harvested. Guess what I'll be working on tomorrow?
The start of the grapes for the year. Hopefully we will actually be able to harvest some fruit this year from the vines. Last year what little grew was eaten by birds. We've learned grapes are rather particular fruit.
The lilacs are in bloom. These bushes are very pretty and smell amazing when they are all covered.
Just another lilac bush.
Bird's nest in the tree outside our dining room window. You know it is rather hard to get a decent picture of something that is over your head but I did try.
Said tree that is housing the bird's nest.
And another colorful addition to the yard. The kids are simply fascinated with these "pretty yellow flowers" which are pretty much carpeting our front yard. They keep bringing me bouquets of the flowers to display in the kitchen. I don't have the heart to tell them that they are lovingly picking weeds. Ah, the simple joys of being a toddler.
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