Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This has become a normal part of fall in this house.  The darn creatures swarm the house.  They don't really seem to cause any damage but I hate having the critters in the house. 

This is just a small corner of the front door after about half of them either found a way to bury into the house (they are trying to find a place to hibernate) or flew off.  They are crawling on all of the windows and doors and every time the kids go outside, they let more in.  This should only last a week or so but I really can't wait for the swarm to move on.

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

Common for the stinkers this time of year. My MIL got them something horrid when she lived in the hills of NC. They're actually an Asian beetle and I can't stand them.