Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Katie's Cupcakes
One of Katie's Christmas presents was a cupcake making kit. It came with the mix, frosting, sprinkles, a 6 cupcake pan and a wooden spoon. Being a child in a growing family, Katie's first comment when she saw the cupcake pan was "Where is the rest of it? It's too small." She has decided that the cupcake pan and wooden spoon make a perfect addition to her kitchen in the playroom because they are surely too small for real kitchen use.
Katie decided it was ok if her buddy Liam helped her with the cupcakes.
And here is the finished product. Perfect for dessert tonight.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Alan!
We decided to celebrate Alan's birthday a few days late this year since we had way too many cakes and pies and assorted cookies and candy laying around from Christmas. So we celebrated today.
His favorite pistachio cake. Can you see how green it is? Apparently there is an actual recipe that you are supposed to use to make a different version of this treat but the first year he told me he wanted a pistachio cake, I couldn't imagine there would be a recipe and made up one of my own. He was very nice and did not tell me "That's not how my Mother used to make it" so we've continued to make my version each year because it is much easier than the recipe that I have now actually seen.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
It's Christmas Eve
Monday, December 22, 2008
Let it Snow - part 2
Hello all. This is Alan. I could not resist taking more pictures of the snow. If you didn't already know, I love winter. I don't even mind that I could not get the snow blower started and I had to shovel the drive way three times. I really love the snow. And we have had a lot of it. Liam found a drift that was well over his head and managed to get stuck. Dad to the rescue. Enough talk more pictures.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Let It Snow
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Look What Grandma Sent
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Monday, December 15, 2008
Gabe Loves His Dinner
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Yes, I know the feast day was on Friday but we are still working on a few of our projects around here. The children watched the CCC movie about Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday and colored a wonderful picture I found here. I had plans to make a bit of a Mexican themed meal for dinner but sickness derailed that plan. Maybe next year.
The older boys colored the scenes for this wonderful book from Illuminated Ink and Alan helped me with all the cutting so we could put it together. I'm already looking forward to working on the similar project from Illuminated Ink for Holy Week. I know I've said it before but it's so much more fun to learn about your faith when it becomes hands-on. Everyone in our home is enjoying learning more about the Catholic faith and traditions that have sadly fallen by the wayside in recent years as we attempt to celebrate more feast days during the liturgical year.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Play Pictures
Saturday, December 6, 2008
St. Nicholas Came for a Visit
Kieran's Birthday
Kieran requested a trip to Red Robin for his birthday. The look on his face when his birthday sundae was brought out and everyone sang to him was priceless. Even better was when he realized the ice cream was just for him and he did not have to share.
His cake request was super easy to manage. No neon colored frosting or turning my hands different colors decorating. He wanted a chocolate cake, vanilla frosting, letters from the grocery store and strawberry ice cream.
Everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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