Saturday, July 7, 2012

Home Depot Workshop

Liam and Katie went with me to the Home Depot Kids' Workshop today.  They built these awesome looking Penske trucks.  (Yes, that's only one but we did bring home two.)  I  don't like Penske trucks.  Ever since Bryan fell out of the back of one on our move from MO when he was 4 and hit his head on the driveway they've given me bad memories. But these trucks are small enough to look innocent and be loved.
These workshops provide me with a bit of Saturday morning entertainment.  The parents who are so stinking type A that they won't let their child build the project themselves baffle me.  Oh my gosh, there's a hammer, he might get hurt.  Oh my gosh, there's paint. What if it gets on his hands?  What if he does not put the project together perfectly?  Yup, they baffle me and amuse me at the same time.  The grandparents who come with a single small child and have to take a bazillion and one pictures all the while giggling and using that fake high pitched voice that adults often think is necessary for children other than their own.  (Who are you kidding, we all know when you are at home alone with your child you scream like a monster when the kid gets into trouble.)  Today I got to watch a Dad try to paint his son's truck while the Mom stood there telling the Dad to just let him do it himself.  Dad replied with "But I need to show him how not to use too much paint."  Yup, that's a loosing battle right there.  It all cracks me up and takes my mind off the pain in my fingers from being hit by hammers (holding nails and pieces of wood together can be dangerous business).

The kids always have a great time and today was no exception.  I'm looking forward to taking them again next month.

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