Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Bryan and Sean

We recently celebrated two more birthdays.  Sean turned 13 and Bryan will soon be 15.  This means we have entered a new stage of parenting.  We not only have children in the house, we also have young adults.  There is a big difference in parenting with these older children.  No, I'm not really a fan of the teenager label.  To me that label is just an excuse for allowing people to act immaturely and shirk growing responsibilities.  It's been an interesting ride so far and I'm rather enjoying it.  I'm proud to say we have two young  men who are almost always willing to help out and help to keep things running smoothly around here.  Most of the time.
This year the boys treated us to dinner at Olive Garden.  Since Sean's meal ended up coming out late, we were also given a free dessert.  Everyone behaved wonderfully (as we've come to expect because no one wants to spend the meal sitting in the van with a grumpy parent) and the boys have enough money left over to take their grandparents out to dinner next week.
Happy birthday to two of my favorite guys.  Hope you had a wonderful time.

1 comment:

millie1423 said...

They are so grown up!!