Another tradition we are using this Advent is the Jesse Tree. A Jesse Tree is a project which helps to track the ancestors of Jesus. It is called a Jesse Tree after Jesse of Bethlehem who is the father of King David. This project helps to teach you quite a bit of Old Testament history, something that I know we can all stand to learn a bit more about.
With our older two, we are using the Jesse Tree kit from Illuminated Ink. With our younger kids, we are using the Jesse Tree images available on the Advent CD from Holy Heroes.
The Holy Heroes DVD also gives us short videos to use every night to explain the history of each symbol. If you also use their on-line program, you receive direct to your inbox each day word searches, cross word puzzles, coloring sheets, a decade-a-day audio, and audio version of the Angelus and much more. We are combining both the on-line version with the DVD because I like to be able to play the videos on the television rather than just the computer. It's not too late to sign up if you missed doing so earlier.
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