Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year. The older 3 boys all worked on various books and print-outs from EnchantedLearning. Then we made Chinese lanterns.
I don't quite trust 2-year-olds with scissors so Abby got to color a picture of an ox instead of making a lantern. 2009 is the year of the ox.
We used our brand new chopsticks for the first time tonight. The kids watched the short how to use chopsticks video on the Kung Fu Panda movie right before dinner.
They all gave chopsticks a decent try. With varying results. Abby refused to use a fork even though she was having a bit of trouble with the chopsticks. Katie eventually succumbed to the fork after giving it a good try.
The older boys seemed to figure it out rather quickly.
And Gabe just enjoyed dinner in general.
As for the cake, well, I firmly believe you should never pass up a chance to make something special for your own family. Why save desserts just for when folks come over? Besides, I was craving chocolate. I made this super easy depression era cake. I've seen it called a Wacky Cake or a Chocolate Depression Era cake. Either way it goes together in 5 minutes, uses no eggs or milk, is super thrifty and super yummy.
And you must ignore the messy stove in the above picture. This is a working kitchen we are talking about so sometimes there are messes that did not get cleaned up right away. Such is life.

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

I don't care about the stove... looks like mine... but you'll have to give me the recipe for that cake. I have no milk and no eggs right now and desperately need chocolate. Those are cute pics!!!