Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homeschool Expo

Last weekend we attended the homeschool expo for the year or what my kids keep calling the "science fair."  You see, our homeschooling group in Florida would host a science fair every year so when we moved here the older children kept calling it that so now even the kids who were born here or were much too young to remember much of anything about living in Florida call it the science fair.  In truth it is much more than that.  The kids in the group put together projects on anything they are interested in.  There are usually art projects, musical performances, science projects, history related projects, dancing, craft projects, and just anything someone wants to share.
The year Gabe worked on learning about the planets and sang a planet song, Abby had a project about her American Girl stuff, Katie and Liam put together a karate demonstration, Kieran did a fencing demonstration, Sean made a potato cannon, and Bryan did a project on the history of Boy Scouts.  The younger two ate pizza and looked cute.  Sadly most of my pictures turned out less than clear. Sigh.  But everyone had a great time and I'm sure is already thinking of things to put together for next year.

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