Sunday, July 3, 2011

Just Swimming

Since we really can't afford to do much running around this summer but still wanted to give the kids some fun, we finally bought one of those quick set pools.  Hopefully it will be deep enough for Katie and Liam to get more comfortable and actually start swimming a bit.  I have to say it is likely just a wee bit too small for all the swimming the older kids want to do but they seem happy anyway.  Ok, thrilled at the moment actually.  It will make for an interesting summer, that much is certain.

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

awesome!!!! I like ours since ours is deep enough for little man to get into but not get into trouble, ya know? Helps me to relax a bit. Thankfully he knows he's not allowed in it unless his oldest sister is in there with him and of any rules... it's one he obeys the most.