Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Just a few Easter pictures.  It's been a crazy few days. The older boys have spent all weekend at church. They were altar servers on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Morning. Don't ask me why no one else signed up but when there was a lack of coverage, they jumped in and did a great job.  Loved hearing all of the Latin during Mass today.  Seriously awesome. Friends came to spend Saturday with us.  Alan was left in charge of 13 of the kids for the morning while my friend and I escaped with Ellie to a diaper store in town.  Everyone survived, the kids were fed lunch, jumped in mud puddles, clothes were washed, naps taken and kids had fun.  All while the Moms spent too much money on diapers.  The dog has discovered the creek at the back edge of our property and keeps jumping in it so the house now has the delightful odor of wet dog.  The kids had an Easter egg hunt this morning.  Great thing about having a large family is that you have enough kids for a super big egg hunt but you don't have to worry about the bigger kids taking all the eggs from the little kids.  Seriously, when you need 100 eggs just for your own family to hunt in the front yard, you just might have a decent sized family. We've been a bit lazy watching movies and hanging out so the eggs will be dyed later tonight.  The kids are getting big and we have very little to complain about at the moment.  I hope everyone had a wonderful day.


millie1423 said...

What beautiful pictures!!

Dirtdartwife said...

HEY!!! I had more money to spend too! :) I love my dipes!!! :) :) :) My kids had a great time there and love spending time with your kids. And since Alan had a pic with his three girls, where is your pic with your six boys???? eh? I want to see that pic!! :) :)