Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Altar Gang

The Altar Gang is a wonderful series of audio cd's for kids that helps to explain various parts of the Faith to them.  We've been listening to the series in the car quite often.  My kids love them and I can even appreciate them.  I will admit the series has even caused me to develop an interest in reading Don Quixote. 

But the Altar Gang also has dangerous side effects.  One of the stories mentions something about an altar boy catching his cassock on fire during Mass and, well, that was the only thing I could think about today at Mass when I saw Bryan and Sean heading down the aisle carrying the candles.  Perhaps it was because the were moving somewhat less than slowly.  Perhaps it was because they have a habit of walking around with shoes untied and wearing robes that are just a tad too long.  This is particularly likely when you are the shortest altar boy and all the robes seem too big for you.  Or perhaps it was just because I can't help but laugh and picture the scene every time I hear "and that time the altar boy caught his cassock on fire" and just hope that my kids don't one day do that themselves.  Either way, one look at Alan this morning confirmed that his mind had wandered to the same place as mine.

But don't let your fear of fire keep you away from this wonderful series. They are available from the folks at Holy Heroes and they are guaranteed to provide you with at least 30 minutes of quiet on those long car trips when everyone is asking "are we there yet" and you are getting tempted to toss that annoying toy out the window.

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

My kids love this series as well. I have to admit I thought it was rather funny when little dude got upset when DD1 put one of the CD's in for a long road trip and when it started, he tried to tell her (repeatedly) that she forgot to put the DVD screen down. For the first few minutes, he didn't understand that it was an audio Cd, not a video. But I love the stories as well.