I really should be cleaning the house but I am sorely lacking in motivation at the moment. My entire body aches for some reason. The kids are supposed to be outside searching for missing eggs. They've only been finding maybe 3 a day and that just is not enough. I'm sure we have more than 3 birds laying on a regular basis and 3 eggs a day is no where near enough for our family. Alan is trying to fix the lawn tractor again so he can get it moving and put into the barn for the winter. A belt came off and he has had a heck of a time trying to get it back on. We roasted marshmallows last night to make the kids feel better about having to cancel the party today. Nothing like a house full of folks who smell like a campfire. Hunting season is gearing up (rifle season starts today, hope I have the terms right) which means the kids will be spending much less time outside for the next few weeks. We can often hear the hunters in our backyard since they are just on the other side of the creek so I tend to be a bit paranoid about letting the kids run in the trees this time of year. It's only a few weeks and then things will be back to normal. Of course, we still need to make friends with a hunter or two so we can get some cheap meat. Ah, I can dream. On a positive note, we finally have Alan's car back from the shop. Only took them 2 weeks and way too much complaining about how hard the job was to get it fixed.
Mr. Gabe is calling me to change his stinky diaper so I guess I'd better go take care of him and the next load of laundry. He is very upset that he is not allowed outside right now to play with the big kids. His life is so rough.
My father will be up there this weekend hunting... lemme see if I can find out some info for you. His cousin owns land up there and that's where they'll be hunting.
abby is st bernadete
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