The question has been asked. How do I store my diapers. Here's the basic gist of it. They are kept in the laundry room. Ignore the normal laundry room mess please. This is normal life. Anyway, starting on the top left. First drawer is for covers of all sizes except newborn. Newborn covers are in the next drawer down because it makes a huge difference at that size. Below the newborn covers are the preemie prefolds. The next drawer is the small/newborn fitted diapers. Below that are the small/newborn AIO's and pocket diapers. Next in line are the MEOS diapers and flats. Below that are prefolds for bigger babies. Now moving to the right. Top is for the AIO's and pockets diapers, both medium and large. Usually try to stack them together by size. Below that are the medium fitted diapers. Next would be the large fitted diapers. The bottom is for the training pants. I also have a few things stored on the shelf over the washing machine. Pail liners and wet bags go there as well as the changing pads for the diaper bag. Then there is a small bin for extra inserts and doublers and another bin for wipes and snappis. We also keep wipes in baskets in each of the bathrooms so needless to say, we have tons of those. I also have to mention that buried in the playroom is a ready supply of doll diapers because there is no way my kids would put anything other than cloth on their baby dolls.
Why so many diapers? If you've ever had 3 kids in diapers at once, you know the answer that question already. Right now we only have 2 in diapers and are hopeful that one will potty train in a couple months. But we've had at least one child in diapers for 11 years. Cloth is one way we keep our expenses down. I use the diapers until they wear out. We still have some of the first batch of cloth we bought back when Sean and Kieran were in diapers. And I believe in keeping around diapers that make it easier for the kids to help out or for babysitters to use so we keep a decent supply of pockets/AIO's around for that. Yes, half our diapers were in the wash or diaper pails when I took the pictures.
My favorite diapers have to be Mother-ease fitteds and covers and Snap-Ez for pockets, AIO's and training pants. Granted, the Snap-Ez are often out of our budget range so I make most of our AIO's and pockets using the Very Baby patterns. Super easy to use and adapt. Hope that answers the question.
So the thought that comes to mind is how do I keep the diapers. Being that I am the father of these wonderful children. Well the answer is quite simple. I pile them in a pile and when I need one I hope that I put one on the child in question that is the right size. When Cheryl has taken the time to organize them, it is great I can find the ones I need. But really when it comes to me organizing them, I can't tell and AIO from and E-I-E-O, and as for the rest of them I really just don't know. When it comes time to change I child I know that a bigger diaper goes on a bigger kid. Hey at least I am honest about my limitations.
Yes, it is good to know your limitations. You can be a very capable person for knowing them, but cannot grow if you always agree with them.
That, and "Laundry Day, See you there, Underthings, tumbling."
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